MailChimp is a software which gives you the ability to create and manage mailing lists, newsletters, automated campaigns and more.
On Malartu we organize data from Mailchimp into multiple levels:
Account: Total data for your whole account.
- List: Total data for each list within an account.
- Campaign: Data on each campaign run within an account.
At the Account level, we gather the following information:
- Open Rate: The number of opens vs the number of deliveries
- CTR: The number of link clicks vs the number of deliveries
At the List level, we gather the following information:
- Email list members: The number of subscribers to a given list
At the Campaign level, we gather the following information:
- Bounces - How many emails bounced.
- Clicks - How many people clicked your marketing email.
- Click Rate - A ratio of how many people clicked your marketing email versus how many you sent
- Forwards - How many people forward your marketing email.
- Opens - How many people opened your marketing email.
- Open Rate - A ratio of how many people opened your marketing email versus how many you sent
- Unsubscribes - How many people unsubscribed from future emails.
- Number Sent - How many emails were sent in a given campaign.
Questions about using Mailchimp? Email us at or start a chat in the lower right corner of this article.